
Telephone Reservation
Reception Hours 8:00-18:00
Route information

Takamatsu ⇔ KochiReservations can be made 1 months and 1 day in advance of the departure date

Internet Reservations(Japan Bus Online)
Telephone Reservation
Reception Hours 8:00-18:00 to call

Time Table

  • from
  • from
Bus Stop 四高 J四 四高 とさ J四 とさ 四高 J四 とさ
Takamatsu Sta. Highway Bus Terminal 7:10 8:25 10:10 11:40 13:35 15:10 16:35 18:10 20:10
Kencho-dori 7:14 8:29 10:14 11:44 13:39 15:14 16:39 18:14 20:14
Ritsurin koen-mae 7:17 8:32 10:17 11:47 13:42 15:17 16:42 18:17 20:17
Youme Town Takamatsu 7:21 8:36 10:21 11:51 13:46 15:21 16:46 18:21 20:21
Takamatsu Nishi Interchange Kita 7:31 8:46 10:31 12:01 13:56 15:31 16:56 18:31 20:31
Kosoku( Expressway) Marugame 7:46 9:01 10:46 12:16 14:11 15:46 17:11 18:46 20:46
Kosoku (Expressway) Zentsuji 7:50 9:05 10:50 12:20 14:15 15:50 17:15 18:50 20:50
Kosoku (Expressway) Kan-onji 8:04 9:19 11:04 12:34 14:29 16:04 17:29 19:04 21:04
|| || || || || || || || || ||
Otoyo 18:17 19:52 21:52
Ikku Bus Terminal 9:04 10:29 12:04 13:44 15:39 17:14 18:39 20:17 22:17
Kochi Sta. Bus Terminal 9:13 10:38 12:13 13:53 15:48 17:23 18:48 20:26 22:26
Harimayabashi 9:20 10:45 12:20 14:00 15:55 17:30 18:55 20:33 22:33
Bus Stop とさ J四 とさ 四高 J四 四高 とさ J四 四高
Kochi Sta. Bus Terminal 7:10 8:20 9:50 11:30 13:30 15:10 16:40 18:10 19:50
Harimayabashi 7:15 8:25 9:55 11:35 13:35 15:15 16:45 18:15 19:55
Ikku Bus Terminal 7:26 8:36 10:06 11:46 13:46 15:26 16:56 18:26 20:06
Otoyo 7:51 9:01 10:31
|| || || || || || || || || ||
Kosoku (Expressway) Kan-onji 8:39 9:49 11:19 12:46 14:56 16:26 18:06 19:36 21:06
Kosoku (Expressway) Zentsuji 8:53 10:03 11:33 13:00 15:10 16:40 18:20 19:50 21:20
Kosoku( Expressway) Marugame 8:57 10:07 11:37 13:04 15:14 16:44 18:24 19:54 21:24
Takamatsu Nishi Interchange Kita 9:12 10:22 11:52 13:19 15:29 16:59 18:39 20:09 21:39
Youme Town Takamatsu 9:22 10:32 12:02 13:29 15:39 17:09 18:49 20:19 21:49
Ritsurin koen-mae 9:26 10:36 12:06 13:33 15:43 17:13 18:53 20:23 21:53
Kencho-dori 9:29 10:39 12:09 13:36 15:46 17:16 18:56 20:26 21:56
Takamatsu Sta. Highway Bus Terminal 9:33 10:43 12:13 13:40 15:50 17:20 19:00 20:30 22:00

Operating Company

  • Shikoku Kousoku Bus
  • JR Shikoku Bus

Bus Stop


Kochi Sta. Bus Terminal/Harimayabashi/Ikku Bus Terminal

( )Prices in parentheses indicate the Internet discount fares.
Children's fares are half of the adult fares.

One way Round trip Customers with disabilities Student discount Ticket book (4 tickets)
  • Takamatsu Sta. Highway Bus Terminal
  • Kencho-dori
  • Ritsurin koen-mae
  • Youme Town Takamatsu
  • Takamatsu Nishi Interchange Kita
  • Kosoku( Expressway) Marugame
  • Kosoku (Expressway) Zentsuji
  • Kosoku (Expressway) Kan-onji


( )Prices in parentheses indicate the Internet discount fares.
Children's fares are half of the adult fares.

One way Round trip Customers with disabilities Student discount Ticket book (4 tickets)
  • Takamatsu Sta. Highway Bus Terminal
  • Kencho-dori
  • Ritsurin koen-mae
  • Youme Town Takamatsu
  • Takamatsu Nishi Interchange Kita
  • Kosoku( Expressway) Marugame
  • Kosoku (Expressway) Zentsuji
  • Kosoku (Expressway) Kan-onji

Internet discount

Reservation payments made online will receive a 2% discount.

Internet Reservations(Japan Bus Online)

Reservations can be made 1 months and 1 day in advance of the departure date

Transfer ticket
(Kochi ⇔ Takamatsu ⇔ Nagoya)

When transferring between Kochi ⇔ Takamatsu "Kuroshio Express" and Takamatsu ⇔ Nagoya "Sanuki Express Nagoya", a discount fare of 1,000 yen each way for Kochi ⇔ Takamatsu is available. Please refer to the "Fare Discount" page (JP) for more details regarding the transfer discount.

Transfer ticket
(Kochi ⇔ Takamatsu ⇔ Fukuoka)

When transferring between Kochi ⇔ Takamatsu "Kuroshio Express" and Takamatsu ⇔ Fukuoka "Sanuki Express Fukuoka", a discount fare of 500 yen each way for Kochi ⇔ Takamatsu is available. Please refer to the "Fare Discount" page (JP) for more details regarding the transfer discount.

Bicycle loading advance reservation service

This service is available for 300 yen per bicycle.
For more details, please contact the ticket window or the reservation center.

Vehicle Information

  • 3 row seats
  • 29 seater
  • Comfortable reclining seat
  • Floor carpet
  • トイレ
  • フリーWi-Fi
  • リクライニングシート
  • レッグレスト
  • フットレスト
Vehicle Guide (JP)
  • 4 row seats
  • 40 seater
  • Comfortable reclining seat
  • Floor carpet
  • トイレ
  • フリーWi-Fi
  • コンセント/USB
  • リクライニングシート
  • フットレスト
Vehicle Guide (JP)

Other Information

  • All seats are non-smoking.
  • All seats are reserved.
  • There are no rest stops on this route.
  • Please contact us prior to your departure time to change or cancel your ticket.
  • Tickets can be reserved and purchased one month and one day in advance of the departure date.
  • Tickets can be reserved and purchased one month in advance of the departure date.
  • To receive a student discount, please present a valid student ID when boarding the bus.
  • To receive a disability discount, please present a valid disability certificate when boarding the bus.
  • A refund processing fee of 100 yen will be applied per person, per ticket. (The processing fee may vary depending on the place of purchase/refund)
  • A refund processing fee of 200 yen will be applied regardless of the number of refunded ticket book.
  • If you cancel a credit card payment made online, a refund processing fee of 100 yen will be applied per person, per one way ticket.